Purna Bhahadur Praja (Chepang) is a habitant of Korak VDC, Dadh Khola. Being a member of Chepang community, one of the most deprived tribal communities of Nepal, his life was full of adversity. It was very difficult for him to manage hands to mouth for his family of 13 people including 11 children. Among his 11 children, he managed to […]
Context Nepal is facing acute energy crisis, which is hampering our economic and social development. In the present context, the best possible way to tackle this issue is through the rationalized utilization of our abundant renewable energy resources. Biomass refers to organic matter that has stored energy through the process of photosynthesis, and Biomass energy […]
नारायणगढ । कोराक–८ ढाँडखोलाका चेपाङ समुदायको दैनिकी ज्याला मजदुरीमै चलेको छ । परम्परागत खेतीबाट ६ महिनामात्रै खान पुग्ने चेपाङ समुदायले बाँकी समय ज्याला मजदुरी गरेर परिवार पाल्दै आएका छन् । तर, पूर्णबहादुर चेपाङसहित १६ जनाको दैनिकी भने अहिले अलि फरक भएको छ । गत फागुनमा नमुना बायोमास प्रालिले चारकोल बनाउने कच्चा पदार्थ उत्पादनको लागि कोराकमै […]
Nepal’s energy use is primarily dominated by traditional sources energy, mainly biomass for domestic purposes, said a report drafted by the Ministry of Population and Environment.
Amidst this ongoing energy crisis due to the more than three months long disturbance in Indo-Nepal Border; Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC) organized a three day Alternative Energy exhibition in the premises of Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu from 1st January to 3rd January 2016.